Do 27.10. - 20 Uhr - Eintritt 10 €, ermäßigt 6 €

JaqcNoise + Peter Kirn
JacqNoise verwendet modulare Synthesizer, um den Punkt zu finden, an dem sich Rhythmen kreuzen. Sie dekonstruiert Klänge, um die Sinfonie und die Themen, die sie widerspiegelt, zu verstehen. Zuletzt hat sie das Berlin Noise Festival kuratiert und die Berliner Modular Society auf den Weg gebracht.
Peter Kirn (Establishment, Industrial Complexx, Feral Note) ist Journalist (CDM) und Komponist, studierte bei Tania Leon in New York und ist ein Live-Musiker, der sich ganz der elektronischen Musikhardware verschrieben hat. Ob als Journalist, Netzwerker oder als Musiker.
Visuelle Begleitung beider Konzerte durch Visual Units.
JacqNoise uses modular synthesizers to find the point where rhythms cross paths. She deconstructs sounds to understand the symphony and the themes it reflects. Most recently, she curated the Berlin Noise Festival and set Berlin's Modular Society on its way to becoming a regular bi-weekly event.
Peter Kirn (Establishment, Industrial Complexx, Feral Note) is a journalist (CDM) and composer, studied with Tania Leon in New York, and a live musician who has dedicated himself entirely to electronic music hardware. Whether as a journalist, networker or as a musician.
PETER KIRN (Establishment, Industrial Complexx, Feral Note)
Facilitator of MusicMakers Hacklab for CTM Festival ... journalist (CDM) and composer, studied with Tania Leon in New York ... playing live. Can craft something
out of that - either of us ! (I can, as well!)
In her compositions, JacqNoise is looking for the spot where rhythms cross each others paths. She is deconstructing sounds in order to understand the symphony and the themes that are reflected in it. Recently she curated the Berlin Noise Festival and led the Berlin Modular Society grew on its path into solid biweekly events.